At Global IP, we believe that for any business, trademark, and brand protection is imperative.

We provide a gamut of services focusing on protecting trademarks in India and globally. Our trademark services include:

  • Performing trademark and corporate name right-to-use searches
  • Preparing, filing, and prosecuting trademark applications in India and foreign jurisdictions, such as US and Europe
  • Developing trademark, domain name, and corporate name protection and enforcement programs
  • Rendering infringement opinions
  • Managing domestic and foreign trademark portfolios
  • Conducting trademark opposition and cancellation proceedings
  • Negotiating, drafting, and recording trademark licenses, assignments, and other contracts relating to trademarks
  • Trademark Assignments, Licenses & Agreements
  • Trademark watch

Industrial Design Protection

We file and prosecute industrial design applications worldwide, including novelty searches, opinions, filing, and prosecution.

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Patent Drafting

We specialize in patent drafting with a global perspective, offering flexible pricing and fast turnaround times for customized patent applications that meet the unique needs of our clients.

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Phone number

+91-011-42603499, +91-9871536398

Email address

Address info

4th Floor, The Cloverleaf, Plot No. 37, Sector 11, Opposite Sector 11 Metro Station, Dwarka, New Delhi – 110075, India